Thursday, April 30, 2009


Today was cross country day.
It was:
-A wake up call and a reminder to try and find a decent gym in this place.
- and Fun too.

Millie came first (yay!) and i finished (yayyyyy!)

We had a different track this year, this time it wasn't a mountain-owning track but a loop from McDonalds, past Lake Callemondah (the closest living relative of Lake Springfield, but MORE polluted) and back. Our school decided too many kids were scraping their faces off on the OLD course, and too many parents were having a bitch about that.

I'm in a really cranky mood now, though.
#1 Because I'm dehydrated as shit. My teacher basically said to me "No, Jade, you may not take about 5 seconds to run to Lavella court and get your waterbotte, we're going RIGHT NOW."
#2 I was sick BEFORE i was forced to exert myself, and my lungs are aching from a mixture of being unfit, being SICK and making Pterodactyl noises FAR too loudly, and often.
#3 Work called because someone who I (from the kindness of my heart) gave my shift to because they weren't going to be here this weekend and needed SOME work so they had money, decided to not want to do the shift anymore. I was like, umm it's YOUR shift now, you wanted it, i gave it to you, find someone else to do it. And work called. ehhh.

Japanese was annoying. We had Mrs Coleman. The Colemanator is only just BEARABLE if she doesn't talk for the duration of the lesson, but is insaney irritating before 10:00am.
But she doesn't know that.

Last night I wrote some more of my story for English, i'm basing it on a little old lady who used to live accross the road from me, and how I always felt some weird friendship with her despite the fact that we never spoke a word to eachother. She had the most amazing, hypnotic almost supernatural blue eyes which, as a kid, completely mezmorised me.

Anyway, what else happened today?
-I promised Kim and Millie a massage to whoever finished first. Millie won.
-I gave Alex a massage because he is wub and has so many knots in his back i'm surprised he's not a SHOELACE. arrrghghh it was fun.
-I got wicked sick hayfever (and so did Jess in year 8) when we had to walk through a 209587029750m long feild of long grass.
-Me Bec and Cheanna ghosted some people and I almost tripped some boy over when i got too close and stood on his shoe.
-We made Mr Carseldine clap us on. I'm starting to like the guy more now that he's not my teacher and I spend a majority of my schooling life completely AWAY from him.
-Me and Bec repeatedly made Pterodactyl noises in the corridors and at lunch, pretty much the whole school either hate us or are envious of our wicked-sick vocal talent.
-My lungs got retarded from too much Pterodactyl. That's right, you can get TOO MUCH Pterodactyl. :O

I'm reading a really good book right now.
Deadly Decisions by Kathy Reichs (<-- spelling?)
It's good. Kindly donated by Milley (not cross-country-pwning Millie, homeroom/sister-of-Geo Milley.)
It's about forensic anthropolgy. If anyone watches BONES, it's that but less Hollywood-ified.
Ily Bones too, Sunday double episode was awesome in the face.

And OMG, apparently if I try to see Aidan when I'm in Japan (which I WAS planning to do at some point, but now I'm not sure) he gets sent home. :S

Oh no's.
Anyway I'm going to go read. And re-hydrate.


Laura said...

I hate Cross Country too. :|
Tomorrow is my school's Athletics Carnival. And today, the teacher gave me a piece of paper saying that I'm in a 200m sprint. And I freaked out because 1) I fail at running epically and 2) I didn't put my name down to do that.

But then, I realised that it was the OTHER Laura who was doing the 200m sprint. :D

Were you going to Japan as an exchange student? Or were you just going to go as a holiday/chance to see Aidan?
Why is it bad that you see Aidan while you are there? :/

Jade said...

haha lucky it was the other Laura, if it was me i would point blank refuse to run a race i didnt sign up for. Borderline 4-year-old-grocery-shop-'i'm-not-getting-what-i-want'-tantrum.

Maybe not that far.. haaha

I wasn't actually planning to go to Japan on exchange, it's just something i would be interested in doing if the chance ever arose, and if my marks were good enough hah.

apparently me going to Japan and even "randomly" bumping into him in a Public place is PROHIBITED because it breaks the rules of the exchange program thing he's on.
Even if it's like, "oh my god HEY AIDAN, i certainly wasn't expecting you here next to this very inauspicious building at noon precisely... how weird is that?"

haha it stinks.