Thursday, April 30, 2009


Today was cross country day.
It was:
-A wake up call and a reminder to try and find a decent gym in this place.
- and Fun too.

Millie came first (yay!) and i finished (yayyyyy!)

We had a different track this year, this time it wasn't a mountain-owning track but a loop from McDonalds, past Lake Callemondah (the closest living relative of Lake Springfield, but MORE polluted) and back. Our school decided too many kids were scraping their faces off on the OLD course, and too many parents were having a bitch about that.

I'm in a really cranky mood now, though.
#1 Because I'm dehydrated as shit. My teacher basically said to me "No, Jade, you may not take about 5 seconds to run to Lavella court and get your waterbotte, we're going RIGHT NOW."
#2 I was sick BEFORE i was forced to exert myself, and my lungs are aching from a mixture of being unfit, being SICK and making Pterodactyl noises FAR too loudly, and often.
#3 Work called because someone who I (from the kindness of my heart) gave my shift to because they weren't going to be here this weekend and needed SOME work so they had money, decided to not want to do the shift anymore. I was like, umm it's YOUR shift now, you wanted it, i gave it to you, find someone else to do it. And work called. ehhh.

Japanese was annoying. We had Mrs Coleman. The Colemanator is only just BEARABLE if she doesn't talk for the duration of the lesson, but is insaney irritating before 10:00am.
But she doesn't know that.

Last night I wrote some more of my story for English, i'm basing it on a little old lady who used to live accross the road from me, and how I always felt some weird friendship with her despite the fact that we never spoke a word to eachother. She had the most amazing, hypnotic almost supernatural blue eyes which, as a kid, completely mezmorised me.

Anyway, what else happened today?
-I promised Kim and Millie a massage to whoever finished first. Millie won.
-I gave Alex a massage because he is wub and has so many knots in his back i'm surprised he's not a SHOELACE. arrrghghh it was fun.
-I got wicked sick hayfever (and so did Jess in year 8) when we had to walk through a 209587029750m long feild of long grass.
-Me Bec and Cheanna ghosted some people and I almost tripped some boy over when i got too close and stood on his shoe.
-We made Mr Carseldine clap us on. I'm starting to like the guy more now that he's not my teacher and I spend a majority of my schooling life completely AWAY from him.
-Me and Bec repeatedly made Pterodactyl noises in the corridors and at lunch, pretty much the whole school either hate us or are envious of our wicked-sick vocal talent.
-My lungs got retarded from too much Pterodactyl. That's right, you can get TOO MUCH Pterodactyl. :O

I'm reading a really good book right now.
Deadly Decisions by Kathy Reichs (<-- spelling?)
It's good. Kindly donated by Milley (not cross-country-pwning Millie, homeroom/sister-of-Geo Milley.)
It's about forensic anthropolgy. If anyone watches BONES, it's that but less Hollywood-ified.
Ily Bones too, Sunday double episode was awesome in the face.

And OMG, apparently if I try to see Aidan when I'm in Japan (which I WAS planning to do at some point, but now I'm not sure) he gets sent home. :S

Oh no's.
Anyway I'm going to go read. And re-hydrate.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Shup Ut


These were the words I was woken up with this morning, as shreiked by my very loud, very invasive little brother. It was approximately 5:45 in the morning, which meant Cooper was awake and thought that I should be, too.

After repeated slaps to the face (though they were only wimpy Cooper-slaps) I woke up.

Did some yoga (by the way how good is yoga?) and got ready. It was really cold, so I ate some toast which I had to repeatedly re-heat so that it was hot enough and fished my Titans jumper out of my moving-house clothes bag.

Then I decided that I was going to walk to school.

So we (me and Brianna) went.

After deliberating on which way we were actually going to go, and how long it was going to get there, we made our way past my little sister's school and eventually made our way past the skate park.

It has occurred to me that small, seemingly insignificant occurances can drastically alter your day.

As we were walking past the skatepark 2 labradors came towards us. We patted them, naturally, and kept walking. The dogs followed us a few metres. They wouldn't go back. Nobody was calling them back.

Turns out, they were just having a bit of a walk.
Like us, except we weren't following little schoolgirls to school.

ALSO turns out, the dogs made our day. It was fun walking to school for once. Fun things happened, like:
-Brianna almost getting knocked over because the dogs ran into her legs.
-Us trying many techniques to try and lose them because we knew they would most likely follow us ALL THE WAY, and would probably get hurt on the way (there's a huge 4-lane road between my work and the shops/my school). Our techniques included throwing various sticks, yelling at them, hiding from them and trying to fool them into thinking we had gone a different way then running like hell, and eventually walking into Priceline and the auto doors shutting the dogs out (until they figured out how to

Then, as me and Michael were laughing and trying to make the dogs GTFO of the shop, a lady walked past and was like *reads dog's tag* "I know where they live, I'll take them."

Thanks lady.
Turns out we were a bit late for school after all our morning shenanigans.
Time for schleep.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sick as a Dog

Haha. I like this. You can probably see it better here:

Anyway, today was.. umm.. hazy.
I can't remember a whole lot because I spent a majority of the day in a zombie-like state or dosed up on pain AND cold n flu meds.

It was not good.
I spent a good 4 hours watching crappy daytime television and clutching my head/throat/everything else that was in pain and drank my weight in water. Which is alot, i might add.

And my throat is STILL ON FIRE. gahh.
I did actually go to school today, seeing as it was first day of term. Lessons would have been fine, if i wasn't either sweating or shivering my ass off the whole time.

Anyway, time for how i met your mother.

Night :D

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Patty Turns 17!

YEAH. Bec turns 17 on the 20th.
Her party will be EPIC. Because me and Cheanna will (hopefully) organise it.
Shall be good.
Hope Bec has an awesome birthday.

Cut Mow Rake Scrape young whipersnapper!

Oh my god.

Well today I worked. Alot. First was the PAID kind, which was kind of annoying because Grace was working with me so she monopolized register one and made me do ALL. OF. THE. JOBS.
Except empty a bag of rubbish into the huge rubbish bag.

So goddamn lazy.

Then I came home and was immediately thrown into a serious of potentially back-breaking activities, ranging from:
Pulling out weeds from the garden (pretty low-risk, although the dog tried to ambush me from behind about 9284619364 times)
Whipper-snippering or as it is more commonly known (by me and Brooke), "Whippersnappering." I OWNED all the long grass. The only annoying thing was that the grass kept hitting me in the legs, as did a pretty large rock. Yeah, ouch.
Mowing. More like dance-mowing. I made sure Arctic Monkeys were blasting out of the outdoor speakers before I even attempted it. Not the animal, the band. :D Mowing never looked so good. haha. There were pelvic thrusts. :D
RA.KING. OMG it took forever, but I raked every last stray clump of grass clippings into a pile. And then had to get it all into the ute. ehhh.
Heddddge trimming. My Dad usually likes to cut the leaves of our big ficus tree so that it resembles a heavily-mulitates ostrich, so instead of watching him massacre it (and kill the family of finches that live inside the tree), I decided that I would give it a go.
I did pretty good.

And now my back is sore and my feet sting and theres a huge cut on my leg where the rake scathed me. ehh..
but yeah, today was pretty good.

ROVE tonight :D

Friday, April 17, 2009

stripcreator : HelloJad : Fast and Furious

I totally just made a comic strip, and it looks like Explosm.

My inner child is dancing right now.


Go see it. Here: stripcreator : HelloJad : Fast and Furious


Okay, this is really sad but a little bit funny.

Mostly sad though.

On Wednesday I chilled out for the whole day. I didn't do anything except watch tv and go on the computer.

The story begins; I am allll nice and comfy on the couch, watching the best crime show on earth (Bones, but you knew that.) and eating grapes. I was having a pretty chillaxing time.

At the start of the show, I noticed an average-sized gecko on the wall above the TV, near the aircon.

At the start of the show, the gecko looked fine, just doing what geckoes do. I looked at him every now and then and didn't really notice that he was still in the same position.

After 3 episodes of Bones and a movie, I came to the conclusion that the gecko was DEAD.

That's right, I had slothed it out on the couch for so long that something DIED.

haha, I'm terrible?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

getting OLD

On closer examination of my face, i have come to the conclusion that:




My eyes have wrinkles around them, and I have BIG mo-fo ones on my forehead.

A sixteen-year-old isn't meant to have wrinkles~!

(hisses at mother nature)

Do you know what else is fun? trying to watch 'Mr Belvedere' without people TALKING SO LOUD!

I watched family guy epically today.
hence the stewie quote.

Jade wants a box set of Bones for her birthday.
you should buy it :D

Random observations of today:
I like pears. Alot. Four.
I now like the band Datarock. Thanks Aidan (ily)

and a majority of bitchy people i serve at work are shizophrenic (did I spell it right :S)

Me: "Umm, i'm sorry but I can't enter your clubcard number in after i've scanned all of your items." *Apologetic smile*
Old Codger: "Well that isn't MY problem, is it?" *laughs loudly yet coldlyyy*
Me: *Pretends like it miraculously worked when I typed the number in* "ahh.. it works! *Opens mouth in fake astonishment*
Old Codger: *Sneers* (who the hell sneers anymore?!) "Hahah.. you see? It just needed a little bit of magic!" *Chuckles like a GIT*
Me: (in my head) "No, you geriatric FOOL, all it needed was lies."
Me: (actually) "Have a good day!" *Smiles like I give a damn how the hell the rest of his day will be*

Work wasn't ALL bad. Somebody commented my monster vs. aliens' sticker-infested badge.! :D

And now it feels like its not very late but its almost 10. at night :O
Right now I feel like a bath. Not a hot one, just a normal one. With my book.
I'm reading the Catcher in the Rye. Its good.
I'm up to the bit where the guy punches Holden in the stomach because he only paid his prostitute $5 instead of $10 LOLLLL
The only thing that annoys me is that he says "..and all." after EVERY. SINGLE. SENTENCE. AARRGHHH
And he likes to say "corny" and "goddamn" all the time.
But other than that, I like it.

Time to go read now.
Night xx

Monday, April 13, 2009

chocolate binges never work.

I just had a Bones-watching, white-chocolate-eating laze-fest.

That's alot of hyphens for one mood swing.

And now I feel worse.




so i'm thinking i should write a story right about now.
i've started it, and despite only writing about 200 words and the fact that i've already re-written it about 38484 times, I think it might actually turn into something good. Whether I'm going to make it into a longish story or a short story to be later recycled into my English assignment and again for that writing competition Mrs Storey my English teacher told me about is still undecided.

although i'm thinking a short story would be much less commitment to handle for someone who only just got back into writing.

the only thing is, the plot could go one of two ways, i'm still deciding what would be better.
i don't want to give it away because its only a baby so far, theres not much to it yet.

maybe i should go write some now.

Help Me Help You Help Me

Why am I the stupidest person alive?
Someone ought to tell me.

Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot
Idiot Idiot Idiot
Idiot Idiot Idiot
Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot Idiot


I've done something so stupid I now not only doubt my mental health but also my worth to actually be alive.
How was I to know that expressing countless months of bottled-up anger on the internet in a super-angry rage fest would get me into trouble?

I didn't.
Because I'm an idiot and I don't think things through.

I feel like a pregnant sloth who just got sand thrown in it's eyes. *Winces with embarrassment of being an insufferable loser*
"What?" I hear you ask..

Quit shaking your head.
What I meant is that I'm exhausted. In every way. And my eyeballs hurt from crying, that would exlain the.. um.. 'sand-being-thrown-in-the-sloth's-eyes' analogy.

I'll quit saying weird and poorly written things now, if it makes you happy.

What am I saying, 'you'? I have a total of (woo) 2 followers. I love them, but having a few more people actually care whether i live or die might be enough to make me forget to doubt my own existance.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Party On.

Grow back, braincells! Grow back!

I went to Kerry's 18th birthday party on saturday night. Me and cheanna got there at 7:30 and it was really awkward for about 30 minutes. Then it rained, giving us all the much needed "holy-crap-can-you-help-me-carry-this-shit-under-the-marquee-so-it doesn't-get-ruined" icebreaker we desperately needed.

Then it stopped raining, which is good.
Carissa came at about 8 and seeing as i love her i went and talked to her and she (being exceptionally awesome and like-minded in taste) gave me some bundy rum. LOVES.

The party was pretty fun, although i regret not ending up jumping on the trampoline. Looking back now, it probably wasn't the best of ideas.
Mix alcohol, rain, slippery trampoline, nearby tree, one very-clean white dress, mud and drunk Carissa and you're basically asking for a concussion. Plus the trampoline was fully illuminated by really bright lights and there were about 12328759082735079 people sitting under the marquee. Including; wait for it, MRS MILES. (For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of being screamed at by her, she's a very strict, very religious teacher at my school). She kept giving me 'I-hope-you-die-as-a-result-of-your-underage-drinking-maybe-that-will-teach-you-a-lesson' glares, mostly when I was mid-sip.

OMG and i accidently walked in on a guy taking a piss in the toilet. The door didnt close properly so i just barged in and was like "oh. oh my god! I'm sorry!" *runs away*.

We later joked about it. Weird.

Here are some other things that happened that were pretty cool:
/Me and Carissa seeing how weird we could dance.
/Me finding a fireplace/barbeque.
/Dancing to Electric Feel.
/Me and Robbie (omg yeah, Robbie was there too! :D) scaring, chasing, patting, yelling at and being licked by Kerry's dog Nelly.
/Kelly being there. and giving me some very delicious stuff to drink.
/Micky Salter and his cigar.
/Taking photos of the above.
/Getting the nickname 'Bundy.' Not for all the obvious reasons, but pretty relevant. LOL
/Me finding a dark place.
/Me realising that at pretty much every. single. party i go to:
> It rains.
> I go exploring and find about 239841704 things to laugh at and play with.
> I find a dark quiet place and sit there for awhile.
> I look terrible a a result of #1 Rain. #2 Alcohol. #3 Running around and dancing like a freak. #4 Being generally unnatractive and #5 My uncanny self-sabotaging knack for making idiotic faces in photos.
> I pee about 348710837410845084265 times.
> I find some kind of animal to follow around and play with. (moderately creepy sentence of the day)

it was fun :D

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cania Believe It?

Only In Cania.
This blog is dedicated to the colour GREEN.
Well after exam week, Cheanna and I decided we would take a rather AMAZING trek down south-west to the little place called Cania Gorge.
It was quite awesome.
We did lots of stuff.
I guess I will start at the start and end with the end right?
<This section of the blog is when i went to go have a shower, did some yoga and went to bed and left the computer on>
Now it's about 9:00am and i should be at school, but i'm not.
Well it all began on a friday afternoon. We did our maths exam (which i should point out was 1982749364897659 times easier than the first one)Photobucket and i went to cheannas house. We fooled around for ages and took many photos of ignatius and dean (the frikkin sweetest dinosaurs you've EVER seen) on my very new, very awesome olympus camera (Y).
then mum finished work and came to pick me up. i had about 1.5 minutes to get the crap i shoved into a bag and get changed, then we went back to cheannas. i left my phone in the car, and was only aware of this about halfway through the weekend. gah.
the car trip down was quite good, although i had to sit in the middle and nick kept crushing me and annoying me. i hit him a few times and he gradually got the picture.
we arrived. At Cania Gorge. It was quite pretty. Photobucket There are cows :D ^
We got the campervan up straight away and then me cheanna and nick went exploring. In the dark. Up a steep hill with about a 293874923784% incline. Then we swang. On swings :D I was swinging way too high. Hahha.
We looked elTerrible (el-terreeebley) so we had a shower. My shower was awesome because the head was actually working unlike the one next to me which pretty much didn't shoot out water like it was meant to except for ONE jet which was right in the middle and stabbed you in the tit.
Day 2:
Was awesome.
We got up early and had ourselves a bacon-and-egg-mich. MMmmmm.
Thenn we chilled for a while, went and got changed (ladies' campsite bathrooms are a nightmare in the morning, it's like Christmas time at K-Mart except we want showers, not toys, Crazzzzzy)
Then me and Cheanna had to come up with something worthwile to do with our day. So we raided the convenience shop for all the maps it had (avoiding dissaproving stares from the lady at the counter) and sat outside on the grass.
We decided we would:
-Go to Dripping Rock.
-Go to Dragon Cave.
-Go to the Overhang.
-Take lots of photos on the way.
-Come back and chillllllax.
So that's what we did.
We had to get Cheanna's mum to take us out to the picnic area, then we trekked it from there. It was really pretty, it wasn't really hot and the trail was fun. We had some good times.
There are innocent people behind us. :D
Cheanna and Nick were too wussy to get as high as me on this old log suspended about 4 metres off the ground.
Nick was especially wussy.
>Photobucket We pwned these rocks.
Although it started raining when we were heading back. But it was good.
We got back to the campsite and all of a sudden........
Rain killed the parents' food. suckers. rain also basically chased us to the toilets, here's how the conversation went between me and cheanna on our way there:
J: Okay we have to be quick before it starts raining again.
C: Ohhhhhh (rain starts)
J: Nah it's good, it's only light. Ohh god its getting heavier.
C: Ohhh crappp (rain gets a bit heavier). Imagine if it pours down.
J: ahha, only an Olympus could film in these conditions (rain was wetting my camera big time by now).
C+J: Hahaha! Look at those people running.
Rain: RAAaaaiiiiinnnnnnn!
J: Holy shit! ahhh *RUNS*
C: CRAP RUN! ahhahaha. *Continue Running*
We have this conversation on video. It's quite funny.
So we waited in the toilets for a while, hoping the rain would subside long enough for us to hot-leg it back to camp. It didn't.
Thennn.. [heroic music plays]
Nick the life saver comes out of nowhere holding 2 very dry rain ponchos. WIN.
The rest of the day we chilled in the van, read, DSed, dried.
It was goood.
Then that night we formed a gang. Well, rather I started a casual conversation about DS's and in doing so, made all the kids on the block whip out their DS's and created a mass DS-athon where we played MarioKart for hours. It was awesome.
Then me and Cheanna went for a walk. We fucked shit up in the public camp gathering area (more like we turned on a TV, put our heads in various cooking appliances and stood on tables and chairs, we also went NEAR an expensive looking motorbike to take a photo but chickened out because we thought the people in the campground near us owned it.) and took some photphots in the bathroom. Even though there was definitely a lady still in there. We were LOUD.
Thennnn we slept. And woke. And ate. And packed. And Ate a Golden Gaytime! And sat. And, miraculously, we were home a few hours later.
Then i went to my house and chilled even though i should have been doing my multi assignment. :D

Thursday, April 2, 2009



We are officially KICKASS.

Together we are
and we pwn.
The end.
Watch our video: