Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cut Mow Rake Scrape young whipersnapper!

Oh my god.

Well today I worked. Alot. First was the PAID kind, which was kind of annoying because Grace was working with me so she monopolized register one and made me do ALL. OF. THE. JOBS.
Except empty a bag of rubbish into the huge rubbish bag.

So goddamn lazy.

Then I came home and was immediately thrown into a serious of potentially back-breaking activities, ranging from:
Pulling out weeds from the garden (pretty low-risk, although the dog tried to ambush me from behind about 9284619364 times)
Whipper-snippering or as it is more commonly known (by me and Brooke), "Whippersnappering." I OWNED all the long grass. The only annoying thing was that the grass kept hitting me in the legs, as did a pretty large rock. Yeah, ouch.
Mowing. More like dance-mowing. I made sure Arctic Monkeys were blasting out of the outdoor speakers before I even attempted it. Not the animal, the band. :D Mowing never looked so good. haha. There were pelvic thrusts. :D
RA.KING. OMG it took forever, but I raked every last stray clump of grass clippings into a pile. And then had to get it all into the ute. ehhh.
Heddddge trimming. My Dad usually likes to cut the leaves of our big ficus tree so that it resembles a heavily-mulitates ostrich, so instead of watching him massacre it (and kill the family of finches that live inside the tree), I decided that I would give it a go.
I did pretty good.

And now my back is sore and my feet sting and theres a huge cut on my leg where the rake scathed me. ehh..
but yeah, today was pretty good.

ROVE tonight :D


Laura said...

Interesting way of mowing. :)
Wow, someone was busy. At least you did something interesting; I just ate Dove chocolates hoping that I'd find a message on the wrapper that I hadn't already found. And I failed.

Jade said...

ohhhh yes, the neighbours were amused.
OMG i love dove chocolates. And yeah, basically all the wrappers i've seen, i've already seen.

they need some brilliant new ideas for uplifting chocolate-quotes. :D