Friday, July 24, 2009


Is all I feel at the moment.


I guess I should be thankful for the hideously loud grinding noise of the cement mixer outside my house, it seems to be blocking out my thoughts.
Anyway, I haven't been blogging recently due to my Brisbanationating and returning to (Gulp) school. Term 3, don't be a bitch to me.

Brisbane was alright, got myself some pretties.
Spent a majority of each day making eye contact with as many people as possible, figuring out what people are all about in the few seconds they spend in my life seems to be my new past-time.

can't think of anything else to say. Better get some English done. We've chosen Sylvia Plath's poetry to analyze for our assignment, I've pretty much fallen in love with her writing in the course of a week and a half.
So pure, so honest and raw, yet still so artfully written..

Time for stuff.
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